Foss2serve promotes student learning via participation in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) projects. Humanitarian FOSS projects exist to meet a social need in areas such as health care, economic development, disaster management, ecology, and education. Becoming a participant in these projects is appealing to many people, but there is a learning curve that can create a daunting barrier to entry. Foss2serve aims to reduce that learning curve for instructors and students. Foss2serve has grown out of efforts by university faculty to find ways for students to participate in humanitarian FOSS projects. Early explorations indicate that student participation in FOSS projects opens excellent educational opportunities. Participation in humanitarian projects adds additional facets that can be highly motivating and educational. Foss2serve retains this focus on instructors and students in higher education. But foss2serve also tries to make learning resources available to anyone wanting to participate in a FOSS project. Foss2serve is a part of the community, and can be thought of as a group within that community with particular interest in humanitarian FOSS projects.