Did Bernie Sanders just lose the web developer vote?

Why do i only think how to frame things for twitter when i come to copy my outrage for posterity?

. @BernieSanders and team (and if anyone can direct this to people who manage the website and communications) it’s incredibly irresponsible to launch the campaign after removing all content from your website. People might want to see your issues page:

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Benjamin Melançon ‏

@mlncn 7s8 seconds ago More Here’s the screenshot but it’s not like one broken page there’s no navigation at all, no content at all. Did A/B tests indicated people donate more often when not distracted by positions and proposals? There should be some morality in the calculation too, and this is just wrong.

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Benjamin Melançon ‏

@mlncn 6s7 seconds ago More “We’ve run into a yuuuuuge problem. [..] What we know is determined by the corporate media. [..] Our educational system is in crisis. And you’ve landed on a page on our website that doesn’t exist. We can fix it.” Please do but this is a terrible start to fixing anything.