Every person in an organization needs to be part of telling its story
- https://iterativemarketing.net/communicate-brand-organization/
- https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/building-a-marketing-organization-that-drives-growth-today
Build brand tribes: Brands have long been managed by global teams that design global campaigns and local teams that execute those campaigns as well as manage local ones. This often results in frustration in both directions: Local teams think global doesn’t understand their market, and global thinks that local isn’t using collective assets. To combat this issue, we have seen marketers start to build “brand tribes”—informal, globally dispersed networks of marketers, who collectively identify and share their best assets.
Instead of top-down direction, the tribes have community managers who foster global collaboration, post insights, promote assets for particular markets, and discourage off-brand execution. They put in place internal social platforms such as Slack to make it easy for people to share and find relevant content. This gives local managers access to assets that have been recommended by peers and approved by global managers and also provides recognition for those responsible for successful campaigns. Once adopted and embedded into the culture, brand tribes also become a way to reinforce brand standards.
- https://linkhumans.com/employees-marketers/
- https://www.americanexpress.com/en-us/business/trends-and-insights/articles/7-things-every-employee-must-know-about-marketing/