ddev auth ssh not working because it asks for a nonexistent passphrase
This has been going on a while and i finally filed an issue about it, hoping someone else has experienced it…
- ddev auth ssh Enter passphrase
As noted there, i of course did have a passphrase; the deal is that Ubuntu knows it and enters it for me in every other context, but DDEV isn’t able to use this, so i havve to enter it myself, but because Ubuntu has been storing it for me i don’t know it…
Update many months later:
Update on being locked out of using DDEV with my SSH key for nearly a year, because i had so completely forgotten my SSH key passphrase that i didn’t even remember i had one… the Passwords and Keys manager for Ubuntu (Seahorse) is so easy to use to see the keys it stores, that there isn’t even documentation on how to look at it. All i had to do was go in and look at my password/passphrase for mlncn on oryx; the key though was to look in Passwords > Login rather than Secure Shell > SSH Keys, where i had been looking, but that latter one just is the SSH key itself not the passphrase that goes with it.