How to prepare for a website relaunch

First thing in a relaunch is not making anything worse. That means, first, not losing search rank.

Is the existing site registered with Google Search Console? It’s not connected to Google Analytics, so i’m guessing probably not. I would recommend you hook it up. If you haven’t already been sucked into Google’s web (Google account etc) don’t get pulled in now; there’s other tools to do this. But if like most of us you have a google account lying around, this is how to get the most direct feedback of how Google search is interpreting your site:


That’s just to keep an eye on things. For making sure a site doesn’t lose traffic from search engines when it’s relaunched, usually the key part is making sure all pages on the old site have equivalent pages on the new site.

This also means making certain substantially the same text exists at each path. For a single-page site, this is the primary concern and can be quite difficult.

Starting with the ’title’ tag, which is shown in the browser bar not as part of the site itself, this has devolved to “Algreserve” on the new site— no longer separate words.

I’d recommend keeping the exact title tag from the old site for now: “ALG RESERVE | Creating An Even Better Business”

The headlines on the old site were images, so the most important text to keep for search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t even there. The new site has at least the h1 tag, so that’s an improvement. No other header tags on the home page, unfortunately, but interior pages are getting h3 (placement, hr consulting) so that’s good.

The final thing on making sure the new site doesn’t have worse organic search rank (which may be mostly just for your company name, but still, that’s important) you will likely want to include some of the old site’s text, even if hidden in a collapsed fieldset, at the bottom of the page.