Recording events by time in order to detect patterns
- logging times to detect patterns
- open source time series data
OK, when we’re talking three to thirty observations a week, like i am now, i suspect the answer is just a spreadsheet. But i don’t know of an easy way to detect time patterns in a spreadsheet.
they do but i’m really looking for something where i don’t have to build the app… ‘course, maybe i could build the app and others would also need it…
… or probably not. We’re trying to discourage cats from coming into our yard— for the safety of our wildlife, mostly. And groups in Minneapolis and around the country may want to start logging our own incidents for copwatch.
2020-08-07 06:57 Central - cat walked up across-the-street neighbor's steps
Weka was repeatedly mentioned for a collection of libre machine learning tools that include ones useful for time data.