Sync data from custom internal server to Drupal

Current use case is a very small amount of data.

We have an internal SQL Server where [some data] are updated once, occasionally twice per day. What is the most efficient way to publish the [data] to the [relevant] page and the featured [relevant data] bar? My ideas so far:

A job on the internal server that publishes a file via FTP to the Drupal website, then Drupal can get the rates from that file (using Feeds module or something similar)? -Direct connection from the Drupal website to the internal SQL Server using sqlsrv module?

Note: SQLsrv module is a driver for Microsoft SQL Server,

We may want other SQL Server data in the future, but at this time, we don’t. Would love your input on this! Thanks, Sara

From the Drupal end it’s much easier for the internal server to post directly to an API endpoint. The JSON:API module is in core,