Drupal 10 view differences between revisions associated with workflow state changes

Has anyone done something with core content moderation to make it easy to review changes to content?

Say, content has been approved,

Essentially what the content moderator should see is one of the node/[node_id]/revisions overview of changes provided by the diff module with the content moderation quick form shown on top of it.

Or as i phrased it in a post in the Drupal #support Slack channel:

A content moderator should be able to see all the changes made to a piece of content between one revision state and the next, and approve or reject the changes (advancing or otherwise changing the moderation state). Seems like with content moderation in core and diff module well supported in contrib this should be nearly out-of-the-box functionality in Drupal, but i cannot see a way to do it easily or find anyone else doing this. Anyone know how to configure this, or a contrib module that might be doing this?

Or the two separate steps:

(I got zero responses to that.)

Maybe worth noting and looking into, Workflow module is still maintained for Drupal 8/9/10. But no one has really documented the differences:

Is Workflow redundant now that Content Moderation+Workflows is in core? [#2852293] | Drupal.org

Maybe also see Workflows Field | Drupal.org

Related action in Diff module queue:

Add useful classes and visually indicate content moderation status on overview form if available [#3252547] | Drupal.org

META Support Content Moderation in 8.2.x+ [#2812841] | Drupal.org


Went ahead and did it: https://www.drupal.org/project/diff_moderate

See also issue to incorporate this module into Diff module: Show moderation control form on diffs between latest published and current draft workflow states [#3335901] | Drupal.org